Rene Herbst
René Herbst was born in Paris on 18.03.1891 and was one of the leading French furniture designers and interior architects.
Herbst studied in Frankfurt and went on study trips to Russia and Italy. When Le Corbusier and Jean Puifocat, founded the Union des Ateliers Modernes (KAM), Herbst was one of the first members. This association, was a backlash against the decorative processes of Art Deco with the aim of promoting the ideals of modernism through exhibitions in the annual salons where artists and designers showed their designs. In 1945, René Herbst took over as president.
In the 1920s, René Herbst was called "I Home d'avier", which meant that he designed chair furniture. He was one of the first to experiment with the new tubular steel furniture material in the late 1920s.
René Herbst produced his furniture designs, in limited editions, with his own interior design company, Etablissments René Herbst. The high gloss of Herbst's tubular steel, back and seat upholstery covered with fabric, illustrates the labor-intensive nature of furniture production. These are contrasted by designs with a reduction to the minimal.
For example, the Sandows Chair and Fautevil derepos, designed between 1928 and 1929. These designs belong to a series of seating furniture in which he used rubber tension belts("Sandows").
The constructive simplicity and tranzparents gave these chairs, a minimalist flair. Among autumn significant and qualitative works, the commissioned work for Yvette la Brausse and the Begum Aga Khan. He died in Ebenda on 29/08/1992 at the age of 91.